LivingADK would like to thank the following new and renewing members for January - July 2024: Ralph & Karen Artuso, The Waldheim Inc., Mary Jane Lasher, Donna & David Curtis, William & Robin Hill, Don & Helen Ross, Toni Noma & Don Andrews, Anita Black, Symeon & Shelli Tsoupelis, Lucy Nolan, Okara Lakes Association, Tim & Maria Trainor, Karen Minnie, Gisele & Dave Kress, Julie Meeks, Kathy & Daniel Ruscitto, IVES, Catherine Underhill, Clyde & Lynn-Beth Satterly, Adirondack Railway Preservation Society, Frederick M. Genung, Libby Zupnik, Kevin & Julianne Reaume, Ken Shine, Rinaldo Villa, Leslie Goldstone Orly, Brad & Jocelyn Pearson & Neil & Ann Satterly, Joel & Bonnie Millikan.


LivingADK's Community Grant Program (CGP) was launched in 2008 in partnership with the Central Adirondack Association(CAA), with ongoing support from the Towns of Inlet and Webb and Herkimer County. The goal is to build regional capacity to identify opportunities and write and administer grants that serve our communities, local governments and small non-profits.


Grants are one of the major ways that State and Federal governments use to reallocate funds to local communities. Philanthropic organizations use grant mechanisms to further their donor and mission objectives. Unlike larger municipalities and and non-profits, small communities often do not have dedicated resources to develop the expertise and cultivate the relationships necessary to fully capitalize on grant opportunities. The Community Grant Program seeks to close that gap in the Western Central Adirondacks.Our aim is to support good organizations already doing good work in our communities get the grant monies that may be available to them.


Through the CGP, we seek to advance our mission to create communities that that are economically strong, socially responsible and environmentally balanced. We have worked to achieve funding in a broad range of areas, including the development of parks, trails and lakefront; funding for healthcare and emergency services, and public safety along with supporting the work of LivingADK and other local non-profits to balance their reliance on local fundraising.

If you have identified a need or have an idea for a grant, or just want advice and support please contact LivingADK for more info.