LivingADK would like to thank the following new and renewing members for January - July 2024: Ralph & Karen Artuso, The Waldheim Inc., Mary Jane Lasher, Donna & David Curtis, William & Robin Hill, Don & Helen Ross, Toni Noma & Don Andrews, Anita Black, Symeon & Shelli Tsoupelis, Lucy Nolan, Okara Lakes Association, Tim & Maria Trainor, Karen Minnie, Gisele & Dave Kress, Julie Meeks, Kathy & Daniel Ruscitto, IVES, Catherine Underhill, Clyde & Lynn-Beth Satterly, Adirondack Railway Preservation Society, Frederick M. Genung, Libby Zupnik, Kevin & Julianne Reaume, Ken Shine, Rinaldo Villa, Leslie Goldstone Orly, Brad & Jocelyn Pearson & Neil & Ann Satterly, Joel & Bonnie Millikan.


The Adirondack region is known for its tranquility and its separation from large population centers, it is why most people move to this area and enjoy that space.  However, access to healthcare resources within rural communities has been a problem since the beginning of settlers moving into the area and is a major challenge that faces our communities in modern times.  Our senior citizen population especially face difficulties with healthcare access that is an hour or more away.  LivingADK realizes this is a large and multi-faceted problem, one that cannot be solved by one solution alone, but with many different concerted efforts involving multiple healthcare providers, social service resources, developers, towns, counties and healthcare professionals.  

The LivingADK Healthcare Committee is comprised of local and regional providers, county representatives and concerned citizens.  The Committee has collaborated with Mohawk Valley Health System (MVHS) to add wound care, telehealth access to specialists and cardiac monitoring equipment access through their Old Forge Primary Care office. The Committee is currently working with MVHS to reinstate local x-ray access, has collaborated on several grant applications with MVHS to fund a plan of improved transitions in care, access to visiting nurse services, access to mobile integrated health, educational resources for chronic disease prevention and access to Alzheimer's/Dementia resources.  Grants applied for in 2021 are still pending decisions with the NY Health Foundation and Mother Cabrini Foundation and we are hopeful. The Committee is currently investigating a USDA Rural Emergency Healthcare grant application.

To attract and keep year-round residents it is essential that we have services that support the people who live here. Senior services and health care are top priority and LivingADK and its Healthcare Committee intend on helping to shore up access in the Western Central Adirondacks.


  • Healthcare Committee comprised of current and retired medical professionals, local officials and stakeholders
  • LivingADK collaborated on bringing a Mobile Mammogram van to Old Forge for annual screenings quarterly 
  • Focus on reinstating vacant x-ray tech for Old Forge Mohawk Valley Healthcare System office
  • Three locations for telehealth; MVHS Old Forge office, Old Forge Library and Inlet Town Hall…
Healthcare Access

"Wellness is a connection of paths between Knowledge and Action"

-Joshua Holtz

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