LivingADK would like to thank the following new and renewing members for January - July 2024: Ralph & Karen Artuso, The Waldheim Inc., Mary Jane Lasher, Donna & David Curtis, William & Robin Hill, Don & Helen Ross, Toni Noma & Don Andrews, Anita Black, Symeon & Shelli Tsoupelis, Lucy Nolan, Okara Lakes Association, Tim & Maria Trainor, Karen Minnie, Gisele & Dave Kress, Julie Meeks, Kathy & Daniel Ruscitto, IVES, Catherine Underhill, Clyde & Lynn-Beth Satterly, Adirondack Railway Preservation Society, Frederick M. Genung, Libby Zupnik, Kevin & Julianne Reaume, Ken Shine, Rinaldo Villa, Leslie Goldstone Orly, Brad & Jocelyn Pearson & Neil & Ann Satterly, Joel & Bonnie Millikan.


Housing affordably for those individuals and families that live and work in our communities is not a new challenge to the Adirondack region, nor a challenge that is unique only to this region.  However, recently the burdens of increasing housing prices and the lack of inventory of affordable and workforce housing has prompted the need for action.  LivingADK has convened a Housing Committee to explore new ways to begin looking at the long-term health of our communities with creative housing options.  The goal of this committee is to focus its energies on the regional towns of Forestport, Webb, Inlet, Long Lake and into Indian Lake all along the Route 28 corridor.  A regional focus would allow towns to leverage more resources together, provide studies and analysis that could be use in acquiring grants and the larger picture of developing long term actionable solutions.

LivingADK supports affordable housing solutions with a focus on the local workforce. We gather and interpret data, bring partners and community to the table, seek funding sources, and advocate with local and state government to ensure the success of appropriate projects.

Housing is an important issue because it is the long term lifeblood of a community.  Without people that work in the Western Central Adirondack region also living in the Western Central Adirondack region, a chain reaction occurs.  Lack of local employees strains businesses, lack of young families threatens the viability of schools/civic organizations/local support organizations, and lack of local buy-in decreases sensible decision making on things like environmental sustainability and long term planning.  Healthy communities are ever-growing and LivingADK and its Housing Committee are open to investigating multi-pronged approaches to bring about big picture change.  Legislation, zoning, private industry, municipal housing, creative housing design and programmatic interventions are all tools in our toolkit and we intend to use successful models in other communities around the country to help inform efforts in our own region. 



  • Communities all over the country provide successful models for us to learn from
  • We research and educate on available viable housing solutions in our region
  • Legislation, zoning, private industry, municipal housing, creative housing design and programmatic interventions are all tools 
  • LivingADK InDeed Legacy Housing Program is one active home-grown program to keep houses as homes  

Affordable housing brings stability, economic diversity and improves the physical quality of a neighborhood.

-John Woods

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