LivingADK would like to thank the following new and renewing members for January - July 2024: Ralph & Karen Artuso, The Waldheim Inc., Mary Jane Lasher, Donna & David Curtis, William & Robin Hill, Don & Helen Ross, Toni Noma & Don Andrews, Anita Black, Symeon & Shelli Tsoupelis, Lucy Nolan, Okara Lakes Association, Tim & Maria Trainor, Karen Minnie, Gisele & Dave Kress, Julie Meeks, Kathy & Daniel Ruscitto, IVES, Catherine Underhill, Clyde & Lynn-Beth Satterly, Adirondack Railway Preservation Society, Frederick M. Genung, Libby Zupnik, Kevin & Julianne Reaume, Ken Shine, Rinaldo Villa, Leslie Goldstone Orly, Brad & Jocelyn Pearson & Neil & Ann Satterly, Joel & Bonnie Millikan.

LivingADK is committed to leverage existing community strengths in creative ways to find solutions for challenges that most Western Central Adirondack communities are facing.  LivingADK is devoted to listening to the needs of communities and finding grant funding where possible to make their goals a reality.  In many of the communities around the region, we have identified broadband connectivity, community housing options, healthcare and social services access and an economy that is balanced with environmental sustainability as the major areas of focus.  We also strive to help the region as a whole and to connect the stakeholders within individual communities so that efforts to make change are successful on a larger scale.


How We're Making a Difference


Workforce housing is an important piece of our community ecosystem and we want to ensure fair and equitable access to homes for the future of our towns, hamlets and region.

Healthcare Access

Healthcare access in the Adirondacks can be difficult for our community members in general and for our seniors in particular and LivingADK is working to overcome this challenge.


Broadband infrastructure and cellular access is an ever more important facet of life throughout the Adirondacks for telehealth, remote learning, telecommuting and beyond.  We are working to close out broadband and celluar deserts to keep our economy and people connected.

Environmental Sustainability

Creating an economy and local infrastructure that is environmentally sound to protect what makes the Adirondacks great.

Economic Development

Economic development and small business support are paramount to success of communities long term.  


Food Security

Food systems are complicated and LivingADK has begun connecting dots in the Western Central Adirondacks to work on strengthening all levels of food security within our region. LivingADK is addressing the 30,000 foot view of our local food system.
